METSTA held this hybrid seminar on the Wednesday 29th of January 2025. The seminar brought together Finnish experts and organizations in the mining, material and rare earth elements sector with wide variety of European experts. Rare earth elements are critical raw materials for modern technology and for green transition. The demand for the rare earth elements grows annually, and they also pose risks in terms of self-sufficiency, which the EU’s Critical Raw Materials Act aims to address.

In the seminar we had multiple interesting presentations and discussions after each presentation. The materials of the presentations are downloadable for all members who registered to the seminar. If you have questions regarding the material or are interested in joining the standardization efforts, you can contact the expert responsible for the national standardization committee SR 183 ”Rikasteet ja harvinaiset maametallit”.

Materials of the hybrid seminar:

CECE Mining – EU regulatory initiatives specific to mining and the goals of the EU Critical Raw Materials act implementation, Enrico Borella
DMT – Extraction of radium from phosphate gypsum waste and an overview market potential of REE magnet recycling, Dr. Michael Haschke
METSO – Part of REE value chain, Timo Sarvijärvi
DIN – Standardization work of CEN/TC 472, Julia Listinghaus
Outokumpu – Importance of recycling in sustainable metals production, Juha Erkkilä
CLIC Innovation – ”REMHub” Rare earth and magnets hub for a resilient Europe, Dr. Merie Kannampuzha
TEM – National Mineral Strategy, Sari Tasa
GTK – EURARE and critical mineral deposits in the Nordics, Dr. Patric Friedrichs
GTK – Geochemical fingerprinting for REE supply chain traceability, Dr. Quentin Dehaine
GTK – Mintec future developments, Dr. Tuuli Kalliosala

FMG – Sokli and rare earth elements, Samuli Nikula, presentation (under ”Learn more about Sokli interactively”)

SLL – Nature Conservation and Mining Industry, Hanna Halmeenpää

We wish to thank all the speakers and participants, who made this event a success. The event was organised as a follow-up to the CEN/TC 472 Rare earth elements plenary meeting, that was held in Helsinki on Tuesday 28th of January 2025.

METSTA organizes multiple webinars and seminars yearly. If you are interested in getting up-to-date information regarding future developments in standardization, EU legislation and events you can order METSTAs newsletter.