
Uusien työkohteiden äänestykset

METSTAn toimialueella on käynnissä äänestyksiä seuraavien uusien työkohteiden aloittamisesta. Äänestyksissä kysytään kantaa ehdotuksen hyväksymisestä ao. CENin tai ISOn teknisen komitean työohjelmaan ja kansallisia asiantuntijoita ehdotusta laativaan työryhmään. Myös kommentteja ehdotuksen sisältöön voi antaa. Mikäli ehdotus saa äänestyksessä riittävästi kannatusta, standardointityö käynnistetään nimettävistä asiantuntijoista muodostettavassa työryhmässä.

Mikäli jokin aihe kiinnostaa ja haluat siitä lisätietoja, ota yhteys METSTAn asiantuntijaan esitettyyn määräaikaan mennessä. Listausta päivitetään neljän viikon välein (viimeisin päivitys 2025-02-11).

Ehdotuksen tunnusEhdotuksen otsikkoVastausten määräaikaYhteyshenkilö
ISO/NP 25627Product category rules for the evaluation of the carbon footprint of machine tools2025-02-12J-P Rapinoja
ISO/NP 20212-2Copper, lead, zinc and nickel – Sampling procedures – Part 2: Intermediates and residues2025-02-13Frans Nilsén
ISO/NP 20212-1Copper, lead, zinc and nickel – Sampling procedures – Part 1: Ores2025-02-13Frans Nilsén
ISO/NP 3046-8Reciprocal internal combustion engines – Performance – Part 8: Test methods for lubricating oil consumption2025-02-13Tommi Carlson
ISO/NP 23653Nanotechnologies – Experimental considerations when evaluating nanoparticle performance of cellular uptake2025-02-17Frans Nilsén
 ISO/PWI 6135Earth moving machinery – Safety of the intended functionality2025-02-17Ville Saloranta
ISO/NP 25471Air handling unit with air- to- air heat or energy recovery exchangers-Testing and rating methods for performance2025-02-17Tommi Carlson
ISO/PWI 20041-3Tritium and carbon-14 activity in gaseous effluents and gas discharges of nuclear installations – Part 3: Determination of tritium and carbon-14 activities sampled by molecular sieve2025-02-17Tommi Carlson
EN 422:2009 revBlow moulding machines2025-02-21J-P Rapinoja
ISO/NP 25667Space systems – Requirements analysis of space experiment operations2025-02-22Frans Nilsén
ISO/PWI 24922.2Nickel sulfide concentrate – Determination of platinum and palladium contents by fire assay and ICP-OES2025-02-24Frans Nilsén
ISO/PWI xxxxSemantic data model for analytics and automation applications in buildings2025-03-01Tuire Tommila
ISO/NP 17089-3Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits – Ultrasonic meters for gas – Part 3: Part 3: Ultrasonic flowmeters for emission monitoring and reporting associated with flaring and venting2025-03-02Tommi Carlson
prEN ISO 10896-7Rough-terrain trucks – Safety requirements and verification – Part 7: Longitudinal load moment systems2025-03-02Ville Saloranta
prEN 15695-1Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry – Protection of the operator (driver) against hazardous substances – Part 1: Cab classification, requirements and test procedures2025-03-03Ville Saloranta
prEN 15695-2Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry – Protection of the operator (driver) against hazardous substances – Part 2: Filters, requirements and test procedures2025-03-03Ville Saloranta
EN PWI 1398Dock levellers – Safety requirements2025-03-09Frans Nilsén
ISO/PWI 7271-1Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Foil and thin strip – Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and delivery2025-03-09Mika Vartiainen
ISO/PWI 7271-2Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Foil – Part 2: Mechanical properties2025-03-09Mika Vartiainen
ISO/PWI 7271-3Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Foil – Part 3: Dimensional tolerances2025-03-09Mika Vartiainen
ISO/NP 25687Space systems – Optical fibre – General requirements2025-03-13Frans Nilsén
EN 1370 revFounding – Examination of surface condition2025-03-16Mika Vartiainen
EN 12681-1 revFounding – Radiographic testing – Part 1: Film techniques2025-03-16Mika Vartiainen
EN 12681-2 revFounding – Radiographic testing – Part 2: Techniques with digital detectors2025-03-16Mika Vartiainen
EN 1559-3 revFounding – Technical conditions of delivery – Part 3: Additional requirements for iron castings2025-03-16Mika Vartiainen
EN 13480-1:2024/prA1Metallic industrial piping – Part 1: General2025-03-16Mika Vartiainen
EN 13480-2:2024/prA1Metallic industrial piping – Part 2: Materials2025-03-16Mika Vartiainen
EN 13480-4:2024/prA1Metallic industrial piping – Part 4: Fabrication and installation2025-03-16Mika Vartiainen
EN 13480-5:2024/prA1Metallic industrial piping – Part 5: Inspection and testing2025-03-16Mika Vartiainen
prCEN/TS 13388 revCopper and copper alloys – Compendium of compositions and products2025-03-16Mika Vartiainen
ISO/NP 15614-15Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials – Welding procedure test – Part 15: Manufacturing material using wire with direct energie2025-03-22Ville Saloranta
EN xxxxMetallic materials – Tensile test on foils and strips of metals with a nominal thickness less than 0.200 mm by using computer controlled testing machines2025-03-23Mika Vartiainen
ISO/NP 25690Steel slag – Determination of the expansion – Immersion expansion method2025-03-23Mika Vartiainen
EN 10250-3 revOpen die steel forgings for general engineering purposes – Part 3: Alloy special steels2025-03-23Mika Vartiainen
EN 10250-2 revOpen die steel forgings for general engineering purposes – Part 2: Non-alloy quality and special steels2025-03-23Mika Vartiainen
prEN 1755Industrial trucks – Safety requirements and verification – Supplementary requirements for operation in potentially explosive atmospheres2025-03-24Ville Saloranta
ISO/NP 25686Corrosion of metals and alloys – Accelerated cyclic corrosion tests for galvanic corrosion in deicing salt environment with “dry” and “wet” conditions at constant absolute humidity2025-03-26Frans Nilsén
 ISO/NP 25713Corrosion of metals and alloys–Test method for the corrosion of nuclear fuel cladding tubes in high temperature water with zinc injection2025-03-30Frans Nilsén
ISO/NP 25715Corrosion of metals and alloys – Fracture toughness testing in gaseous hydrogen environment2025-03-31Frans Nilsén
ISO/NP 25692Chemical analysis of lithium composite oxides – Determination of anion contents by ion chromatography2025-04-02Frans Nilsén
ISO/NP 25691Methods for chemical analysis of lithium mineral – Determination of lithium and other elements by ICP-OES2025-04-02Frans Nilsén
ISO/PWI 24880Rare earth – Determination of rare earth distribution in mixed rare earth metals and their compounds- Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry2025-04-05Frans Nilsén
PWI 17206-5Entertainment technology – Safe Design and Testing – Performer Flying Equipment2025-04-07Frans Nilsén
ISO/NP 25756Space systems – Space-based positioning with optical augmentation for social and industrial infrastructures2025-04-15Frans Nilsén
ISO/PWI TS 3181Nanotechnologies – Total, encapsulated, and free drug quantitation in doxorubicin hydrochloride liposomal formulations using reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC)2025-04-19Frans Nilsén
ISO/PWI TS 19255Nanotechnologies – Vocabulary – Innovations in materials and technology2025-04-20Frans Nilsén
ISO/NP 25751Steel and iron – Determination of total aluminium and total boron contents – Microwave digestion – Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometric method2025-04-20Mika Vartiainen
ISO 23632:2021 revIndustrial valves – Design validation-testing of valves2025-04-28Mika Vartiainen
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